Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Dear God

Dear God,
I decided to write to you on my blog that is not very much visited by people but I make this attempt,
God, I wish to tell you that , it is true that I do not have all the intelligence in the world, nor all resources not even half of those that might be needed for a journey that I intend to make, I may not be exceptionally sure of my capabilities, I might not be the perfect pick for the job, bu as Shelly says- wilt thou accept not, the worship that the heart lifts above and the heavens reject Not...God wih these and yet many other imperfections and wasteful flaws, I am ready, ready to serve, I know that I can do everything through you, Please give me strength and Goodwill!!
ANd thank you for what you have given me, but let me have a chance to give back!! And give me the strength to make myself worth it!!

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

For the Fallen

With proud thanksgiving, a mother for her children,

England mourns for her dead across the sea.

Flesh of her flesh they were, spirit of her spirit,

Fallen in the cause of the free.

Solemn the drums thrill; Death august and royal

Sings sorrow up into immortal spheres,

There is music in the midst of desolation

And a glory that shines upon our tears.

They went with songs to the battle, they were young,

Straight of limb, true of eye, steady and aglow.

They were staunch to the end against odds uncounted;

They fell with their faces to the foe.

They shall not grow old, as we that are left grow old:

Age shall not weary them, nor the years condemn.

At the going down of the sun and in the morning

We will remember them.

They mingle not with their laughing comrades again;

They sit no more at familiar tables of home;

They have no lot in the labour of the day-time;

They sleep beyond England's foam.

But where our desires are and our hopes profound,

Felt as a well-spring that is hidden from sight,

To the innermost heart of their own land they are known

As the stars are known to the Night;

As the stars that shall be bright when we are dust

Moving in marches upon the heavenly plain,

As the stars that are starry in the time of our darkness,

To the end, to the end, they remain.

Wonderful piece of war poetry by Laurence binyon...This i quote from the blog http://war-poets.blogspot.com/.

This is the first time that I read a war poetry...well not the one by binyon's but one about the Old Lie...Drastic is a euphemism...and the one quote above will seem romatic when compared to that one ..."Dulce et Decorum", I felt this as and when I read about Wilfred Owen, Wasn't he in a similar predicament as faced by arjuna in kurukshetra...But Lord Krishna and his Bhagvad Gita are not things out there ...tangible stuff.but they are in here! While I felt ...have no words ...how to describe what it might be at the front line..and even now what it is like at other warfronts.But For me.I felt ashamed...If an oppurtunity cost is calculated for every oppurtunity given to me...which I either did not recognize or was too lazy or distracted or just indifferent to pay heed to....it would be very high...I hope I now make no further addition to it!!

Wednesday, November 4, 2009


Hi, Long time, the hiatus lasted a little longe, but believe me, it was not a hiatus...actually had a lot many things lined up!! So much so that even Nalini, my friend who usually does not drop a scrap until and unless I write to her, dropped in to ask whare have I vanished!! And she ended up best of lucking me...
I want to know what the hell causes despair and dismay or dejection in a perfectly workaholic person!! The 3 D's are but effects want to know the causes!!
Sages say it is desire..(4th D)!! They say as in the bible that where ever a soul is captured in a body due to its desire, eagles of those kind will come!!
So should we have no desires..cant' I magine a life without them!! But sages can't be quitters they sure mean sth else...for otherwise there would have been no sages, all sages would have "Given up" the bondage of the body...I personally believe like baz luhrmann...Enjoy your body use it in every way you can ..It is the best Instrument you wil ever own!....Otherwise before this body was , the desire existed...but now things grow confusing...what exactly is giving up desire...and Tell me how easy it is!!

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Why NO Questions??

This seems to be a national policy!! I know one thing that when a teacher teaches and there are no questions from students, believe me, only one thing is happening, the entire purpose of education is being derailed in to mere indoctrination of "Preferable" answers.
I can stand having no answers , this from my self, but I am in grave danger if I have no questions, and why, there are a plenty of questions in my mind right now, not because I am trying to prove my intelligence, I f there is any, but that I know that here i am for some reason and I got to find that reason out!!
As kids , when Our Moral Science Teacher, Rev. Fr. Mendiburu was taking our first class, he asked us...60 of us, to write one question each, which we most dutifully did!!
What wonderful questions those were, and what immense possibilities they ushered in!!
One girl asked who is God??
another, If God made us, Who made God??
I like a wannabe, asked a question that an older coz of mine used to ask...What is the reality of Life??
Too precocious for a 14 year old!! and now I feel that after asking those questions, we forgot them, as if entrusted them to the authority of an unknown design!!
Now I realise that there is nobody who can answer aour questions other that ourselves!! Believe me Nobody!! but first we should have questions...I see some old people who have almost forsaken any questioning nature, if it ever existed, nothing else makes me so livid and dismayed as this...I hope I keep asking Questions , If not to others then t omyself, Answers are not vouchsafed, but then the teacher appears when the student is ready!! I hope all of us ask questions...I even wrote a poem on questions, I will post it later, For now!!!
bear with my too much of I, I , I stuff, I am not a megalomaniac, just trying to comprehend myself before I can see anything else!!
This really seems difficult!!

Sunday, October 18, 2009

Happy New Year!!

Why do I wish you a happy new year , well before the christian new year, well, In gujarat the New Year begins today!! Bestu Varas!! The Year newly ushered in!!

I remember my last Diwali, I really did not know that I will be so lucky just on the next Diwali!! Reason!! Aplenty, one is that I can write my heart out to you!!
Recently one thing has been turning my mind over now and then!!
The way we human's live, is it not that we are actually becoming like dinosaurs, we want, we feel we need all and everything to ourselves!! No species takes so much as we do, and we only TAKE and the only thing we give is green house gases!!
Our buildings and apartments are so constructed that Light!! heat!! you dare not even try to come!! Air conditioners are compulsory!! It's become a self feeding frenzy, all this climate change that we are responsible for!!
There was report that said that there have been energy savings, while the author gave an impressive rundown of the absolute amounts involved, Fractions and percentages were conspicuous by their absence!! When we talk about absolute values ,we tend to be saying that we are doing our best, fractions looked at in tandem divulge that our best is not good enough!!
Well, I have to get some work done now, the day ends and a new day begins, But like life work is a continuum!!
Need to improve a lot! God gimme strength, patience and good will!!
I read something about the great scientist J C Bose, actually Sir Jagdish Chandra Bose!! what a genius of a man!!
He said that patents were not required, as knowledge is to be distributed, and for everyone's use!!
Cut to today, where even a sheer change of angle in a yoga posture and they go to the patents office to get it tagged!! C'mon, nobody might even need it!!
But I remember Sir Alfred Noble who held countless patents, Even he did contribute to the world...
How queer, there is no single conclusion...just do what ever you deem right!!
Signin' off!!

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Don't Quit Yet

I can't say I am always optimistic , but I like calling myself a diehard optimist!! I also wish it's true!!
But this guy, some Musing's person has reproduced the Poem "Don't Quit" on his blog...http://stiermusings.blogspot.com/search?updated-min=2006-01-01T00%3A00%3A00%2B05%3A30&updated-max=2007-01-01T00%3A00%3A00%2B05%3A30&max-results=17
So the poem now
When the things go wrong as they sometimes will,
When the road you're trudgingseems all uphill;
When the funds are lowand the debts are high;
And you want to smile,but you have to sigh;
When care is pressing youdown a bit ...
Rest if you must,but don't you quit.
Success is failure turned inside out,
the silver tint of the clouds of doubt,
And you never can tellhow close you are,
It may be near when it seems so afar,
So stick to the fight when you're hardest hit...
It's when things go wrong,that you must not quit.
Mr. Musings I whole heartedly agree!!
It's always that staying a little longer, holding it a little longer makes great difference!!
Cheers to life!! No chivas , No regal!
P.S. Until I learn what I am supposed to, I am simply free wheeling and day dreaming!!

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Meritocracy and Chance

A wonderful read by Leonard Mlodinow http://www.forbes.com/2008/04/10/performance-pay-meritocracy-oped-utopia08-cx_lm_0410mlodinow.html
The author explains how the whole idea of JUDGING a person's merit or ability on the basis of Past Successes (read spent laurels) is flawed. Not only do I believe it as he says but it is as true as it can get.
See, First read the srticle, then you will be able to relate it to your life as well.
All of us do at sometimes do some amazing things, then sometime later we are there , lying low, thinking how , at that time we did such a spectacular deed.!11
The truth is we still can.
Of all the variables that determine the completion of a particular work- as delineated in the Hindu Philosophy viz. Adhisthanam(place), Karta (Doer), Karna (Means), Chesta(Actions), Daiva(Destiny) what I personally percieve to be in my own hands is chesta!!! If all other variables other than chesta are satisfied and still Iam not able to do it, MEANS I should be ready to take the blame SQUARELY on myself, But it is not Viceversa, If it is all hunky dory, there were anyway influences beyond the domain of my ability ofcourse , so I can not SQUARELY praise myself!!! That is the best thing to think in such times, and that is why it is said that happiness is in the flow, keep failing, keep trying till you are asked to terminate that darn progression, and that will be the moment when all the failures culminate to give a MONUMENTAL Success, over nobody but self, as if asking in a smirk "So you thought you could not do it??":), I try to paint a rosy picture, rest assured it is real too if only the missing variable is chesta, and I have not yet come across cases of the type OTHERWISE!!
Also Prep is heating up, DI has started scolding me , spanking me....HOOOOOOO i need to get going!!Have a nice day!!

Monday, October 5, 2009

A Function Of the dangerous variable-ANGER

Now, readers you are much more intelligent than I am, because only then you are able to make sense out of my slapdash way of writing. So it is not for you that I say that the function of the dangerous variable anger is again - i am not a mathematician- may be the limit is infinity(studied limits in the 12th std.)
I have discovered this the hard way, yes, By Losing time..am quite in a hurry to make up!!
There is a wonderful column on making up by K Vijayaraghvan in the COSMIC UPLINK -ET, I don't know whether this person knows it or not but his/her writigs have inspired me-STRAIGHT FROM HEAVENS whenever I have STRAYED FROM HEAVENS-
But believe me- I wish nobody loses time like I did- not even enjoying, well then that's not losing it neway- but the long and short of it is you don't realise-I don't realise how important it is till I beginn losing it....So true it is "time will slip" or it will slither away...So take heart from that I article I mentioned!!!
It says lost time can be made up by first realizing that you ve lost it, then attentiveness, briskness, FOCUS, and using the age old time mgmnt themes- find out-
Also i will quote F Adams-
Of all the glad words of prose and rhyme/ the gladdest are,
"Act while there yet is time."
And believe me ...THERE IS!!! So make up!!
Also visit this link amidst so much hullabaloo in the worlds apple orchard (read where meet the chiefs of G 20) what is IMF's Quota Formula!!!
have a nice Time !!

Friday, October 2, 2009

Just to face it!!

Difficult times in life of people who forever are on errands to better themselves are not rare, what is unknown is that they are even welcome....as says the old adage, adversity brings the best out of us!!
Life is adamantine, but always believe that soul is stronger...so said WHOM?? Find out!!
I visited a beautiful homepage of a person called Ramakrishnan...he has adorned the pages on his site with Swami Vivekananda'a wisdom!! Even saved it!!!
Good work buddy...!!
Oh and Ahemedabad is so hot.....It is sweltering heat if not a hyperbole... and my room becomes a cauldron..sometimes I wonder that there is something between me and the Sun...I have ...to where ever I have travelled ...My rooms was Very BRIGHT, and almost intolerable in summers...God takes care I do not forget how does 3/4th of India's population survive...Thanks for that...
HMMM!! today i have not mush to say...Just that I really messed up English In aimcat 09 II today...and DI also ...I messed up everything!! THis happens when basics are held ransom...have to salvage it!! But Please let the whether cool..Please for god's sake!!
Let's get cracking...need to wake up early tomorrow....for what ever reason....!! Chao!!

Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Our work and the Hindu Philosophy

STHITA PRAGYAN- This word has been reverberating in my mind since the past few days so much so that today first thing in the morning I had to look up as to what it means.
It turns out that SP (Sthita Pragyan) is a super conscious state of an enlightened mind , to be more precise I will quote this brilliant author who wrote a wonderful research article and made it free for use-

Yoga, its literal meaning is ‘to be connected or added or submersed etc.’, may be defined
as – ‘Yoga is the state of super-consciousness (Samadhi)4’, where Samadhi contains the
meaning of ‘connectedness’ with the self ‘being/existence’, and this state, i.e., Samadhi,
can be attained through a prolonged practice of meditation5. The individual who got the
state of super-conscious mind (sthit-pragna) has the characters like – one who thoroughly
dismisses all cravings of the mind; satisfied in the self through the self; whose mind
remains unperturbed amid sorrows; whose thirst for pleasures altogether disappeared;
who is free from passion, fear and anger; who is unattached to any thing, who neither
rejoices nor recoils while meeting with evil and good; who has withdrawn his senses from
sense-objects like a tortoise who draws limbs from all directions; the sense-objects turn
away from him who does not enjoy with his senses but the test for them persists , this
relish also disappears in the case of the sthit-pragna; those who have controlled and
mastered all the senses and for collecting his mind who sit for meditation devoting one
self to me-the super-conscious being because “The senses, which are turbulent by nature,
forcibly carry away the mind even of a wise man who is practicing self-control”
Also I have to say sorry because what I wrote about mathematics teaching, which I will promptly edit after I post this one, IS BLASPHEMOUS!!! If somebody says mathematics teaching is a perfunctory ritual or that Mathematics is a base science - DON'T BELIEVE!!!
Mathematics as I found in this discussion on the BG (Bhagvad Gita) is akin to Tapa...or preparation for it...Read On-

Mortification (Tapa) is the state of problem where one is expected to stay and to
watch the situation. Mortification is not to try to gain anything else to free from ‘the
sorrow’. ‘Be in sorrow and feel it’ is the mortification. For example, the whole
training in mathematics (mathematical notations are made to express the natural laws
in its simplistic way) is learning to make the mind to be in the problem and to solve it
by itself. It is the practice of mortification. Result is secondary but the aim of
‘mathematics teaching’ is to make the student to stay in the problematic state and to
watch how this mind solves the problem. Now, this very sharpened mind can be
utilized to understand the real form of self-psychoanalysis. Thus, if a student solve
one single problem without any external help, it is more important than to
learn/practice/memorize the way of solving problems. In fact, memorizing makes the
mind dull and dull each time. Again, this ‘mathematics learning’ is not important at
all to be real spiritual being but the sharpened mind, which is well equipped and
experienced as problem solver, is all important.
So now we know the ground realities, though, not all, but it gives a different dimension to what you are doing if you start viewing it from a different frame of ref.
Also on a parting note-
This brilliant author is Jitendra K Rai- I should thank him for the wonderful treatise published in the Universal Mind by the name -
The Yoga’ of Srimad-Bhagavad-Gita vis-à-vis Yoga-Sutra"

Free Will!!

Hi, am pretty regular now it seems, although not many people visit this blog, fewer still leave posts...but i have a firm belief that someday it will be useful to somebody atleast!!!
"What T S Eliott says about being useful is that It's really hard to be useful..and he has trodden the winepress alone...read Choruses from "The Rock"".
I have been hooked to this darn thing called poetry since childhood, It seemed to me then that poets are really intelligent beings and now I realize how correct it is!!
In that case I have tried to write a few stanzas, resulting in no more than a doggerel, but atleast tried out my hand at the art of Rhetoric...as the greeks say!!
Well that is one art that should have if you are a teacher or a leader or somebody who is a potential "Leader of the bandwagon" kind of a thing!!!
Well I took a mock cat today too, English was so simple...Again subjective, Have become an expert at flunking maths, DI was doable!!
Believe me DI is a loyal section...sometimes unlike anything else...because it INGRAINS what you have...unlike english and maths...concepts and vocab are actually from WITHOUT and not within...So decided to make it my SSS...no not the congruency condition, but the second strong section!! The decision comes in wake of repeated failures in the previous all Mocks!!!
Sometimes its a way of life, Learn...You will have all possible advisory councils but what you learn on your own ...STAYS!!
Look at this mail igot from justin...of the My Gmat fame...

"Danny wanted to do really well on the GMAT. Did'nt want to leave anything between him and a 99 percentile score.When he took the test, he was shocked to see a score of just 620. He tried everything, classroom training, pretty much all the guides on the web, even one to one coaching.When he took the test again, he got 640.He was really shattered.Was it that he was focusing too much on the end result, i.e. the marks, rather than the process of solving the questions? Anyways, one day while surfing the web, Danny came across a Special Program that looked very promising.He thought he would give it a try, and lo and behold, when he tried the GMAT for the third (and final) time, he actually got a 740!

Moral of the story: When you seek something with all your heart, you often find a way to get it.Cheers "
well I like only the moral of the story!!! And No advertising this is!! Do not wrack your brains to know what danny found...because the mail intends to sell a gimmick at the best!!! Okay I am being cynical...so okay , advertising or so...!!!
But you take heart from the moral...Cause that is what endures!!!
PS: The race is long and in the end it is only with yourself!!

Saturday, September 26, 2009


Well, let me start it this way, I mean this post...Today I read a paper by John Dobson, who is an eminent physicist and what makes him most engaging to an Indian mind is that he has spent 27 Years in a vedanta monastry...CATHARSIS...Guaranteed!! That is Vedanta, the substance of the veda's , which are in all four of them.
I also read Einstein on socialism...Why is socialism better than capitalism. He introduces us to a concept which as a matter of human nature we have ...as a society not been able to overcome...and that is the "Predatory Phase ". But he also says that a human being's destiny is in effect controlled by NOT any "self-inflicted Fate" but we are the people who can mould our LIFE.
And now I want to tell you something , after some bit of reading and deliberation i idly involve myself in , believe that human priorities do not really conflict...just made to seem so...actually the never contradict, in essence it is an infinite universe and we are undivided, but just that apparitional causation thing of Dobson wreaks havoc...Or our inability to discriminate between the real and the make believe...in Dobson's language!!
Tomorrow have an aimcat scheduled. As always am not all set...but yes my syllabi is yet to be finished, and to me it makes no sense taking so many tests before you even complete the bare essentials. But somehow am trying to cope up...I take my percentile only indicatively, don't really let it stand for me as to who I am...
And as Babaji said...Banat banat Ban jai...we simply have to Labour and to wait...Right, Eliott!!
But as socrates said
"And as for me, only one thing I know and that is I know nothing", I can tell you I didn't even know THAT and that is my ignorance!! Proves his intelligence...
Recently we had our P & C class and we were talking bout Cards ...ace, king, queen...etc...the mot unique thing was that we did not discuss the Joker (in Athens)!!! Best thoughts are obliterated by education...all that it seems to me...!!! To you passerby, whence you come, where to, just follow the light with in !!!
PS: Treasure you faith more than anything
Watch Shawshank Redemption..it is a wonderful movie...Hint: Morgan Freemann!!!

Check out http://quanta-gaia.org/dobson/Complexifications.html#END by jOHN dOBSON FOR SOME SOUL SEARCHING.

Friday, September 25, 2009

The questions...

What is it that I am here for, What is it that I am searching here, Have I learnt form my mistakes or not as I still make several...hopefully new one's, Are mistakes more prized than correct solutions out of the RIGHT and preferable box that domineer poor original doubts, how aresome people so cocksure, what benefit do they derive, ofcourse they avoid that cardinal balme of not having sound opinions...but are we not better off not forming opinions at all...Atleast I seem to be having no opinion at all except for myself...Don't know how good that is, but there is a history behind it!! I have seen people outpacing people's opinions of them, I have seen people so mired in their opinions that they don't seem to take it the way it comes...It is sometimes disconcerting to change opinions and so I do not form them at all...Neither on United States Political Agenda nor on Increasing Inflation in India...I read ....ofcourusss!!But thats again an opinion ...a qualified one...I do not have an opinion of my friends ...even foes...somehow I have atoned myself from committing thias mistake that gets me in to lazy habits of thinking as Einstein says...So ...a lot of I I I ....here...ofcourse
Not having Opinions is not always rosy...difficulties and travails catch you unexpected...you get hurt as you seem to be guessing positively always...sometimes when in case of dependent events it causes disappointments...you mostly seem to be blaming yourself...But isn't all this WORTH IT ...i feel it is...we learn positively...leaving no time for idle speculation about others and their shortcoming...appreciating your's too...
Enough...an on my job...need to work very hard for the coming few months and with out opinions...just FLOW...!!!

Sunday, August 16, 2009

Well thats me!!

I should have known...I could have done...I would have said....I should have not ...I wish i could...I wish I did...I wish I did not...these are the most painful words...painful because when/If I utter them i am referring to somthing that can not be set right now,,,,now that it is all over...well, thats the connotation...Ihate them...and I fear them....I hope I never use them...I hope nobody ever uses them...I hope I can make the amends that I would want to make...I believe that even a chance to make amends or correct something is God's Gift not available to all. But then how or howmany know how to use it...We should make sure not loose it!! So if you think that you've ever hurt somebody or somesuchthing...Don't wait...get back to them and if possible , just make that person feel good...who ever knows...today we have a chance...THAT ONE PRECIOUS WORD...!!!
ki kal jo rona aayega, to aansoon kahaan se barsenge,
ye to purane intezaam hain, aaj to vo paas hain,
kal aur parson ka hisaab ye raha janaab,
kal to hoga vo jo nahi hai ab aur jo ab hai,
use paana to muqqaddar main Vo likhna hi bhool gaye,
Ya phir, vo hain wahin jahan unhe chhoda tha...
Dhtt! chhodo , Itni wafadar ye duniya kahaan!!

Wednesday, June 17, 2009

The Original Seagull

Dr. Kalam...is the original seagull...hats off to him, to his parents and to my parents...I can ,,,no body can ever repay...actually we believe we do not have to repay or redeem anything to our parents...the fact is we are not capable of...for me and my parents ...i can't redeem the debts..other than just fulfilling their prime dream. I love you Mamma daddy...and Ankita...and vedu ...the devil in disguise!!

Sunday, June 7, 2009

Grammatically speaking

Yes, I have discovered that usually when we speak ...I mean an average Indian...recognised by the fact that she can understand and read and write English..yet our knowledge of standard English is limited by the fact that either we do not have good magazines and literature available (...that we by choice do not read) or it is that there are lesser people to even talk to in English...leave alone Standard English...I was good at getting marks in the grammar exams...I am bad when i speak...sometimes my shallow grammar knowlwdge(=IGNORANCE) takes a toll as even when i know thw correct word...i can't use it as i do not know which of had, have, has or rather or do rather or do well...etc should I be using. Well, I hope I am the only one...but I know there are several others facing this problem!!!
Another thing, I just read one of my old bookmarks...it read those famous line of the alchemist in the eponymous novel by Paulo Coelho "We have to take advantage when luck is on our side, and do as much to help it as it's doing to help us "- This he calls the Principle of Favorability Or Beginner's Luck...And It is True!!!
I am waiting for the rains...but I am able to reconcile to this heat and Dust and testing times-because as ugly as they look, so much beauty they promise to usher in to our lives!!!:)

Happy New Day to you!!!
check out this link-http://www.findingjoymovie.com/

Saturday, May 30, 2009

I watched the movie DOR today...for the first time...it was aired on Sahara ONE, so ..was lucky enough to be there as if on cue....it's a wonderful movie...I have no other words...This work from Kukunoor is so much more mature and useful in value terms...Rockford was fantasy that all teenagers would like to live in ...Iqbal...again a fantasy that inspires...and DOR...that inspires hope...it is obvious that the word fantasy does not seem very congruent to Kukunoor's movies...but just imagine...Fantasy is the word the we all actually live in...Our Gods, our future...our-Selves...its all fantasy...we have personal worlds which i call individual fantasies....but not fallacies...I am in love with miracles...but seen them happen only when it is 100% Faith...that's the prerequisite!!!
again...stated reading "tuesday's with Morrie", seems to be a wonderful one too!
Now getting back to work...
Quote of the day: Can I have more than 24 hours a day...can i do with out sleep[:)]

Monday, May 11, 2009


Hi there,
Its several days that i have written...but to tell you the truth...i am pretty lazy. ;)
10th May was mamma daddy's wedding anni...the 30th one...yes the gift should be a pearl but for the dearth of resources couldn't spare any.... Today i heard MLTR and Boyzone after a long time...while making some profit and loss decisions for several fake firms(read- solving profit and loss problems), there is a certain melody in them...some silky melody...this misses in backstreet boys...they are almost out of business now...jst visited their official blog http://blog.backstreetboys.com/2009/03/02/bsb-blog/ , and the most unbearable is the IPL, not that any of my people are really IN to it...but i hate the way it has adulterated the fun in the game...making it a "mere" business, a game between two countries when watched on TV used to be a good platform to showcase products...the same way as showrooms at Airports...(the Shamshabad, Hyderabad one is the most amazing in India)...but now the scene is they brought the bandwagon home,...now the scenario is like ...i do not have words ...probably due to dearth of a good vocabulary...but its is disgraceful if not outright ignominous.
And i pretty much hope that the entire thing becomes nothing more than a farce...not that is is not one now but i hope people realize it!!! too bitter...noe ...simply expressive...we are copying Man U and RM...that //is that all we are capable of doing...But for the diehard fans of the game..i do not know their view ...would love to know...do drop some acrimonious posts if i have hurt you...i simply feel the Nation vs Nation is a nobler deal...thats it!!
I have realized in a pleasant manner that for CAT ...nothing but Practice will suffice...genius...not enough...not that i am one...
All the sections when done in a day willl boost your confidence...lets talk bout me...i am planning to do that.
I also find the CBSE rd sharma a good practice book..as you get the concept nitty gritties right...
also for geometry...nothing beats CBSE!
So i ll keep posting!!
BBye!! Now some exercise!
Quote of the day: It's when we start believing, we start creating ...otherwise we just drag!!

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

When was it


So am back after a hiatus…not exactly that but then how will I show it to you that I do stand a chance in CAT 2009. Well, I do not remember when exactly did I start my CAT preparation…the consciousness dawned upon me Circa 2004, actually mid 2004, I was in my 5th semester, I just happened to see this photograph in the TOI wherein the IIM-A students had some fest and they were interacting with some international students, and this seed of inspiration and ambition was sown then!!:), since then I think that in every little transaction of my daily life has been in some or the other way affected by this little seed ...now cut to 2005...I appeared for this exam...I should like to tell you in no uncertain terms that since i had joined the coaching till the exam day, it had been some kind of a roller coaster for me...any competition for limited resources is bound to be so!!!

Also I realize now that anger not only spoils your mood but also affects your brain negatively!!

Quote of the day: Anger, Lust and greed...lead us (our soul) to hell (where there are no nymphs [:)]- Vidur niti

Sunday, May 3, 2009

One Fine Day...

Have a look at this one -

Alice: And how many hours a day did you do lessons?
The Mock Turtle:
Ten hours the first day, nine the next, and so on.
What a curious plan!
The Gryphon:
That's the reason they're called lessons, because they lessen from day to day.

Its a nice summer afternoon, and my family is with me, Daddy is also home as it is a sunday...just had Dabeli...This is a gujju junk as competent as a burger in the zero nutrition race...but anks makes it so tasty that...Ohh! Anks my sister! She's here for the time being...getting back to business after this week ends! In Gujarat the mercury is rising...yesterday we had 43 degree in Ahmedabad...but summer's good, it reminds me of that childhood , the memory of which is more pleasant than the grizzled worthy itself!...presently our parents...i mean Anks and mine are having a nice nap...so we'll treat ourselves with our favorite gujju beverage "Aadi waadi Chaa"- Ginger Flavored Tea, you get this flavor tea bags in Tetley for sure...alos Twinings has several english flavors like Bergemot, and Earl Grey (not a flavor but a gimmick- CERTAINLY;)..But try twinings Lemon Flavored Tea...that one is sure good...the only problem you can't have it with milk...so is for bergemot..., The Green Tea from Tetley...I do not find it appealing enough...well ...It used to be all well after a long day in Faridabad...along with momo's when one used to reach Delhi South Ex...after a day long drivel! But ...seriously folks...nobody ...I mean it...nobody makes tea as well as Gujju's...They are experts...Alos try "Kahwa", you get this in Kashmir...This is not exactly tea...but when the shopkeeper of that quaint old shop treated us with this rejuvenating kashmiri beverage...it was like all that energy i had spent in clambering up the "Sonmarg" Valley....disappeared...Why can't we have a "Kahwa" flavored tea!!! Food for thought...now i need to make some for anks...she needs it...tomorrow she has her last exam....and god has given her a good amount of "Somnia"...I know that is not correct english...but you understand!!!

:)...Today's agenda is
  2. 3 RC test- I'll post the results as well.
  3. 10 LR
  4. 10 CR
  5. 3 DI sets
  6. Mathematics- Mom's worried this one- so we'll do that too- Progressions and equations and some juggling with useless ratios!
Quote of the Day:"A child is a perfect example of Minority Rule"