Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Why NO Questions??

This seems to be a national policy!! I know one thing that when a teacher teaches and there are no questions from students, believe me, only one thing is happening, the entire purpose of education is being derailed in to mere indoctrination of "Preferable" answers.
I can stand having no answers , this from my self, but I am in grave danger if I have no questions, and why, there are a plenty of questions in my mind right now, not because I am trying to prove my intelligence, I f there is any, but that I know that here i am for some reason and I got to find that reason out!!
As kids , when Our Moral Science Teacher, Rev. Fr. Mendiburu was taking our first class, he asked us...60 of us, to write one question each, which we most dutifully did!!
What wonderful questions those were, and what immense possibilities they ushered in!!
One girl asked who is God??
another, If God made us, Who made God??
I like a wannabe, asked a question that an older coz of mine used to ask...What is the reality of Life??
Too precocious for a 14 year old!! and now I feel that after asking those questions, we forgot them, as if entrusted them to the authority of an unknown design!!
Now I realise that there is nobody who can answer aour questions other that ourselves!! Believe me Nobody!! but first we should have questions...I see some old people who have almost forsaken any questioning nature, if it ever existed, nothing else makes me so livid and dismayed as this...I hope I keep asking Questions , If not to others then t omyself, Answers are not vouchsafed, but then the teacher appears when the student is ready!! I hope all of us ask questions...I even wrote a poem on questions, I will post it later, For now!!!
bear with my too much of I, I , I stuff, I am not a megalomaniac, just trying to comprehend myself before I can see anything else!!
This really seems difficult!!

Sunday, October 18, 2009

Happy New Year!!

Why do I wish you a happy new year , well before the christian new year, well, In gujarat the New Year begins today!! Bestu Varas!! The Year newly ushered in!!

I remember my last Diwali, I really did not know that I will be so lucky just on the next Diwali!! Reason!! Aplenty, one is that I can write my heart out to you!!
Recently one thing has been turning my mind over now and then!!
The way we human's live, is it not that we are actually becoming like dinosaurs, we want, we feel we need all and everything to ourselves!! No species takes so much as we do, and we only TAKE and the only thing we give is green house gases!!
Our buildings and apartments are so constructed that Light!! heat!! you dare not even try to come!! Air conditioners are compulsory!! It's become a self feeding frenzy, all this climate change that we are responsible for!!
There was report that said that there have been energy savings, while the author gave an impressive rundown of the absolute amounts involved, Fractions and percentages were conspicuous by their absence!! When we talk about absolute values ,we tend to be saying that we are doing our best, fractions looked at in tandem divulge that our best is not good enough!!
Well, I have to get some work done now, the day ends and a new day begins, But like life work is a continuum!!
Need to improve a lot! God gimme strength, patience and good will!!
I read something about the great scientist J C Bose, actually Sir Jagdish Chandra Bose!! what a genius of a man!!
He said that patents were not required, as knowledge is to be distributed, and for everyone's use!!
Cut to today, where even a sheer change of angle in a yoga posture and they go to the patents office to get it tagged!! C'mon, nobody might even need it!!
But I remember Sir Alfred Noble who held countless patents, Even he did contribute to the world...
How queer, there is no single conclusion...just do what ever you deem right!!
Signin' off!!

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Don't Quit Yet

I can't say I am always optimistic , but I like calling myself a diehard optimist!! I also wish it's true!!
But this guy, some Musing's person has reproduced the Poem "Don't Quit" on his blog...http://stiermusings.blogspot.com/search?updated-min=2006-01-01T00%3A00%3A00%2B05%3A30&updated-max=2007-01-01T00%3A00%3A00%2B05%3A30&max-results=17
So the poem now
When the things go wrong as they sometimes will,
When the road you're trudgingseems all uphill;
When the funds are lowand the debts are high;
And you want to smile,but you have to sigh;
When care is pressing youdown a bit ...
Rest if you must,but don't you quit.
Success is failure turned inside out,
the silver tint of the clouds of doubt,
And you never can tellhow close you are,
It may be near when it seems so afar,
So stick to the fight when you're hardest hit...
It's when things go wrong,that you must not quit.
Mr. Musings I whole heartedly agree!!
It's always that staying a little longer, holding it a little longer makes great difference!!
Cheers to life!! No chivas , No regal!
P.S. Until I learn what I am supposed to, I am simply free wheeling and day dreaming!!

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Meritocracy and Chance

A wonderful read by Leonard Mlodinow http://www.forbes.com/2008/04/10/performance-pay-meritocracy-oped-utopia08-cx_lm_0410mlodinow.html
The author explains how the whole idea of JUDGING a person's merit or ability on the basis of Past Successes (read spent laurels) is flawed. Not only do I believe it as he says but it is as true as it can get.
See, First read the srticle, then you will be able to relate it to your life as well.
All of us do at sometimes do some amazing things, then sometime later we are there , lying low, thinking how , at that time we did such a spectacular deed.!11
The truth is we still can.
Of all the variables that determine the completion of a particular work- as delineated in the Hindu Philosophy viz. Adhisthanam(place), Karta (Doer), Karna (Means), Chesta(Actions), Daiva(Destiny) what I personally percieve to be in my own hands is chesta!!! If all other variables other than chesta are satisfied and still Iam not able to do it, MEANS I should be ready to take the blame SQUARELY on myself, But it is not Viceversa, If it is all hunky dory, there were anyway influences beyond the domain of my ability ofcourse , so I can not SQUARELY praise myself!!! That is the best thing to think in such times, and that is why it is said that happiness is in the flow, keep failing, keep trying till you are asked to terminate that darn progression, and that will be the moment when all the failures culminate to give a MONUMENTAL Success, over nobody but self, as if asking in a smirk "So you thought you could not do it??":), I try to paint a rosy picture, rest assured it is real too if only the missing variable is chesta, and I have not yet come across cases of the type OTHERWISE!!
Also Prep is heating up, DI has started scolding me , spanking me....HOOOOOOO i need to get going!!Have a nice day!!

Monday, October 5, 2009

A Function Of the dangerous variable-ANGER

Now, readers you are much more intelligent than I am, because only then you are able to make sense out of my slapdash way of writing. So it is not for you that I say that the function of the dangerous variable anger is again - i am not a mathematician- may be the limit is infinity(studied limits in the 12th std.)
I have discovered this the hard way, yes, By Losing time..am quite in a hurry to make up!!
There is a wonderful column on making up by K Vijayaraghvan in the COSMIC UPLINK -ET, I don't know whether this person knows it or not but his/her writigs have inspired me-STRAIGHT FROM HEAVENS whenever I have STRAYED FROM HEAVENS-
But believe me- I wish nobody loses time like I did- not even enjoying, well then that's not losing it neway- but the long and short of it is you don't realise-I don't realise how important it is till I beginn losing it....So true it is "time will slip" or it will slither away...So take heart from that I article I mentioned!!!
It says lost time can be made up by first realizing that you ve lost it, then attentiveness, briskness, FOCUS, and using the age old time mgmnt themes- find out-
Also i will quote F Adams-
Of all the glad words of prose and rhyme/ the gladdest are,
"Act while there yet is time."
And believe me ...THERE IS!!! So make up!!
Also visit this link amidst so much hullabaloo in the worlds apple orchard (read where meet the chiefs of G 20) what is IMF's Quota Formula!!!
have a nice Time !!

Friday, October 2, 2009

Just to face it!!

Difficult times in life of people who forever are on errands to better themselves are not rare, what is unknown is that they are even welcome....as says the old adage, adversity brings the best out of us!!
Life is adamantine, but always believe that soul is stronger...so said WHOM?? Find out!!
I visited a beautiful homepage of a person called Ramakrishnan...he has adorned the pages on his site with Swami Vivekananda'a wisdom!! Even saved it!!!
Good work buddy...!!
Oh and Ahemedabad is so hot.....It is sweltering heat if not a hyperbole... and my room becomes a cauldron..sometimes I wonder that there is something between me and the Sun...I have ...to where ever I have travelled ...My rooms was Very BRIGHT, and almost intolerable in summers...God takes care I do not forget how does 3/4th of India's population survive...Thanks for that...
HMMM!! today i have not mush to say...Just that I really messed up English In aimcat 09 II today...and DI also ...I messed up everything!! THis happens when basics are held ransom...have to salvage it!! But Please let the whether cool..Please for god's sake!!
Let's get cracking...need to wake up early tomorrow....for what ever reason....!! Chao!!