Hi, I updated and revamped my blog, congratulations you can savour a little colour now that...
Up Above the world so mache, my title is inspired by my Nephew's garbled words. This a classic, my 2 year old nephew, Master Vedu used to sing song Twinkle-Twinkle in this way....he had sth peculiar, he'w garble the whole thing to his worthy liking and speak only that way, like Goji, for a doggi....he made an "O", as if making a flower...But alas, his creativity had to be nipped in the bud, feel bad...he must still be creative, but we must tame him! When we don't have reasons, anything said several times and it will be believed. So that's not a difficult task now, moreover it is outsourced to schools nowadays!!
I just wish one thing, I dont like it when anybody loses herself in the whole mad world, I hate it when I get that wretched feeling that I may lose myself in this whole manouevre! That's me-Chintamani-Ettishri Rajput-Yes that is my real name!!
TodayI talked to mamma bout different swamis and yogis like swami Vivekanand, or Yoganand Paramhansa, why can't we be like them? She said they are divine souls!! Aren't we...no I did not ask that, but still, we can be good at whatever we do! Right...I still have to improve a lot in all areas of life. When that is not the easiest thing to do, it is the only one possible! Why is it so difficult to improve our self???
BIG Question?
First why is it so difficult to admit that we need improvement?
Second, why is it so hard to believe that we can be better?
Third, Why do we love ourselves so much, with so many faults, we excuse ourself, which is undoubtedly important, but never learning to forgive somebody else?
Four, In your mistakes why do I not see myself, In your gain why do I see my loss, in your pleasure why do I see my pain?? (In me don't you see yourself?)
Five, why do I blame others, There is good story here! A man, paralysed, lying on his deathbed spoke to his wife thus,"you were there with me when I was fired from my job, when my mortgaged home could not be salvaged, when that happless accident mutilated my right arm, when my business could not seem to work and at the end was foreclosed, you were there all through! Now I realise you only brought me Bad luck!"
Why do I never seem to be able to get hold of myself, the self-elusive self?
And when I do, why is it so difficult to follow through with myself, with somebody else it is always easy?
Why why why the heck!
Because, probably I feel that I am already so good...smetimes I feel If all of us would some how had been made ina way that we would be able to see our own face in all else's...there wouldn't be much of the chaos that dwells here! as Gulzar says "chalo hum sab aayine pehne".
Probably, I do know about my ineffeiciencies and i successfully hide them under the drapes of Maya, saying "Ok am bad...is he/she any better"!
Here Iam okay you're okay helped me- It says "Blaming your faults on your nature doesn't change the natre of your faults"
We want to "reform"our spouse, our kid, some co-worker, but who is eluding us...not the world, neither its realities....we always elude ourselves. This "I", who keeps eluding me, is a fucking coward, it never likes being brought to justice but I am a diehard litigator...atleast for others , then who is this "Me"who does not like what I seemingly like, who wins when i lose, who is the part of the problem that resists correction? WHO AFTER ALL IS THIS ME?
Engage 9: Being in Love
Lesson 9 of the free Engage course delves into how to use visualization to
attract and enjoy the experience of being in love with a delightful
partner, inc...
19 hours ago
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