Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Qusetions MICA

What would happen if all human beings wore the same type of clothes> (same colour and design)?Write at least three benefits and three negative effects of it in the appropriate space in answer

Dear Mr. Question Maker,If everyone here on earth wears clothes with the same colour and design, i will tell you what will happen-
First the Negatives (so that you end up happy :))-
1. I will lose my job, my career, my everything-I am a Fashion Technologist (NIFT will close down and lost in the oblivion...eerie!!).
2. It will be a great difficulty deciding "which colour" and "which design" before this uniformity is forced upon-right from the rocket scientist to out motor mouth media people will be engaged in this "decisive decision making", thus, leaving little time for other more useful things. We will lose a lot of money per day till this issue is sorted out.
3. For believers-God will repent giving us brains!!
God help blind dates-How will "they" "find"each other :
Now the positives-
1. Oppurtunity of a lifetime for burglary and mugging industry-we all will have a benefit of doubt-remember the age old question asked in detective series for scouting out the thief-"Kapde kya pehne the?" No answer to that then.;)
2. About a 100 million dollars saved each day...or what ever is the figure for 'Apparel purchased per day"'. may be this can counter the No.2 negative.
3. A whole dimension of aspirations will disappear. That will definitely mean faded our motivation towards material wealth. Is that a positive, well if we are ready to become saints....
In essence the world will become too "Good" to live in!!
For patrons of equality, let us try out easier areas first, begin with banker's salaries!!

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