Monday, November 18, 2013

Lest I die...

Opinionated, i may sound....but this one thing about death has really made me wonder. Death may be anything, but what matters most about it is the suddenness of death. "Not even a Goodbye could be afforded God?", well, that is the question I wanted to ask the One, and the only one. Is death seemingly sudden only  to those who are still alive (Atleast those of us on earth) or is it the same for the subjects as well.

Nevertheless, what saddens me is the suddenness. It seems just like we are all climbing, clambering up a hill if you llike it, and suddenly we make that last move and take the last step to that valley. i do not venture to say we fall, we may simply fly away, for death may have a power to give us those wings, that make all obstacles and hurtful things, just that, redundant. 

This is to death... Had it been thus, that before dyeing, a person would be accorded a moment to meet every one, one met, laughed with, shared sorrows with, had dinner with, traveled on the metro with, flirted with, with enemies and friends alike, just to say, "Good Bye, and Thank you!" Just these words, why did God make it that way, that death catches us unawares. God, could it not be more pleasant ?. Like, first a dream, a signal of death. The person now prepares for his or her death, and tries and meets everyone, lives that last few days with the fullest zeal and does not bother for the trivial things in life, that really do not matter if I die tomorrow....But sorry, I believe such a life would be more painful than the surprise of death. I just wish, if after death could be a warm welcome, and another, Better Life, hopefully it shall be like that....
Again, Lest I die tomorrow, i shall thank you today. 
And why Lest....? It is certain, did someone promise eternity, no, may be longevity, but not eternity, so death is not sudden at all. Death at best is a drastic step nevertheless, but is the most certain thing on earth. And thus i feel life is best lived in uncertainty, as Morgan Freeman says in the movie "The Shaw Shank Redemption", " And i , I feel like a free man at the beginning of his journey, the end of which is uncertain"
Thus in vain have I avoided Uncertainty, while reminding myself of such an inherent and all pervading Uncertainty will make me embrace Certainty with out the need to wait and say , "Good bye, And Thank you!" for worse, I may never be able to say them, Lest I die tomorrow...

For saying good bye hurts the most, especially when it means a Good Bye for good...probably we have been spared of such an ordeal.....and hopefully, there shall be no good bye's but only occasions when we say so...

No i wont end it there, I have written this as it seems more like a duty to me to write about this particular thing we wish not to think about....Have a good day!!

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