Monday, January 30, 2012

Which Way Heaven...

When I read the great masterpiece Madhushala by the excellsior himself, Late Shri Harivansh Rai Bacchhan ji, I always feel that the Pathik is always asking these questions like "Which way heaven?", "How far form here? How long will it take?", while he goes about his journey, he contantly imagines what heaven must be like, this or that, the imagination as such is always dictated by the desires and regrets as well as aspirations and experience gathered after years of wanderlust. Human choices are very complex equations, never perfectly balanced, for there is actually no balance, for the outcome will vary with each variable used, so many number of times and added or subtracted from an infinitude that is made up of such numerous smaller equations. It is that sometimes it seems that we are not making the choice, but the choice is making us. And well, do you have the gall to deny this, I don't think so!

says Bazz Luhrmann, "Your choices are half chance and so are everybody else's."

Sometimes we can simply imagine a choice and bring it to the 3 dimensional material universe and sometimes, in fact most of the times, we may be also be able to influence the 4th dimension of Time. So says the rule of reversibility, or what ever it is called. They say that there are two ways the universe works. Number one is mundane. We see the thing first and the image in the mind is formed later and then we recognize what our worthy eyes are seeing. The other way is interesting, first you have to see something in the mind and then will you see it right there in front of your eyes. It is very true, reverse reaction will take up energy and will not take place until the catalyst of Will is not present, but with these two present in necessary and sufficient amounts, it will be done.

It is very comforting to know that there are several things that will always be out of the domain of general understanding, such is the domain of faith, it exists if you know it does, if you think it does not, well, it thinks the same and disappears. Thus most of our philosophers might propound that will is an important instrument to realize and materialize our most mundane ideas, wishes, etc. But more important is the faith which comes only when one is sure that with this materialization, the goodness in self and thus all around will only increase so much or more!

So I want to have faith, that will assure me that my will is not directing me the wrong way!

See you soon, in the domain of sheer existence at will, in that region of hope where we find all answers but they are irrelevant, where we stop asking which way heaven, and thus findout, it is Heaven all the way!

It is immense pleasure to be writing again, but do forgive me for being so irregular ! :P

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