So, well, am back after this disturbing hiatus.
Disturbing hiatus, because a hiatus is probably a disturbing period. I mean, look at Egypt, Libya, Tunisia....and may be...may be....who knows...China...after some time. I do feel that oppression is a good catalyst for brewing trouble. and China is presently trying to balance a see-saw, well no doubt about that. One one side it has this educated subject and on the other side it has it's own anachronistic, but functional, bureaucracy. Correct me if I am wrong.
A difficult question then arises. What were the masses doing for the past 30-41 years. It won't take an expert to answer that this is not the same mass.
the Feb 21 issue of Outlook, Mr. Vinod Mehta, in the column "Delhi Diary" writes that just bacause an uprising isn't in the offing in India, doesn't mean India is any better. Infact, like many others he compares Elections with the Pressure cookers safety valve. And to support this he offers figures comparing Per Capita Income of Egypt and Per Capita Income of a particular adivasi tribe in India. I find this comparison irrelevant. I am not taking sides, even if I should like to do that. But the fact that India has maintained that SYSTEM of Democracy, itself seems to me a milestone. And i still see how people remember the emergency, not too dearly. Though ofcourse the exception is Gurcharan Das, who, in his book "India Unbound" states that "the emergency was too good to last". But these are subjective statements. From what I see today, with the benefit of hindsight, i can say, Emergency might have been good or bad, but it did no good that was enduring.
And at the end we come to the same old statement..."All spent, and nothing endures".
So here comes an end to my blabber..............blah....blah....blah....
I am trying to explain my self a few things ....
Like T. S. Eliot, who does not want to ASK for this man's favor or that man's scope, am too obviously left with that wretched feeling that leaves you with one total satisfaction of having tried. That gives you the strength to go on and NEVER look back, not in anger, not remorse, not in revelry either.
Engage 9: Being in Love
Lesson 9 of the free Engage course delves into how to use visualization to
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