I read this somewhere,
"Just to remind myself and whoever wished to be; Today is the first day of the rest of life...just live it." Kudos to life.
And coming to USA, I have got a great deal lot to tell. I treasure my wide eyed wonder that usually surfaces and will show up again and again till the time the rigmarole of the daily life makes my marrow go callous.
One thing you can't help about noticing in this country is "SPACE", tangible and intangible, Space to move about and space to think through as you do so. They aren't bothered by new faces, I mean the Americans. I go for a walk everyday, and I haven't had an experience when somebody has not wished me a Good Morning or Evening. Seemingly this is a very minor point that you smile at somebody, wish somebody, though you never came across that person in the past and it is very unsure that it may happen in the future too. But to me it is symbolic of the pace with which they can cope up or even embrace CHANGE. I hope I am not exaggerating the significance of my observation lest it might degenerate in to being treated as a poetic license. But tell me, Don't you agree?
The other thing that stands out is the respect for the "Pedestrian and cyclewala's". At the Traffic Signal is written "Vehicles must give way to pedestrians".There is a seperate lane for Bikers!
On the toll booths on a highway, you can say where the possibility of finding a pedestrian is approximately nil, it is written with black on yellow, "WATCH OUT FOR PEDESTRIANS".
Walking is such a convenient option here with a whole lane dedicated to you!!
Everyday I have a a whole lot of arguments and counter arguments with myself. When I am in the kitchen, I think the best invention in the world is the TISSUE. Often after having an Orbit after a meal, I feel the chewing gum is the best invention ever, otherwise I also include internet,
the micro-wave oven, etc, etc.
But the point that I am trying to make is that every effort is made so that the human effort required per task can be minimized.
But I miss being on my own here. In India it was so easy to be on your own. We have buses that take care of the majority that does not own an automobile. Here I am not so sure of that. Presently I feel crippled without a car. But my friend in Newark says that the train service in NJ and NY is good. Did I not say, I am very new here!
I am in no case denigrating India for not having all things that USA has to offer, but yes I do wish that someday, and I hope that day soon turns up, common man will be the VIP in India. Things are difficult, looking at our geography, our population, level of technology, etc. but things are possible.
Personally, I have great respect for the Delhi Metro, it makes life convenient for that common man who votes, works, and hopes that someday we will be THERE!
Engage 9: Being in Love
Lesson 9 of the free Engage course delves into how to use visualization to
attract and enjoy the experience of being in love with a delightful
partner, inc...
6 hours ago